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All presentations from the keynote speakers as pdf can be found here


All track presentations that were provided to the organisers can be found here

Case Study

All presentations given during the European Best Practice Case Study Tour can be found here


A selection of photos of the conference can be found here



Dear conference guests and participants,

On behalf of the entire S2B Marketing Team I would like to express our thanks to all of you. We have received a lot of very positive feedback in respect to organisation of the conference which is highly appreciated. We are going to provide presentations for downloads in the coming weeks about which you will receive an email, however please keep checking the conference website for updates.

For those who are interested to have their papers published in one of our associated journals or the conference proceedings we will have a structure available soon.

The next International Conference of Science Marketing will be either in Cracow, Poland or in Zürich, Switzerland in 2013. The 2014 conference will be in Costa Rica in October (tbc).

The 5th FinPin Conference will be once again held in Finland (tba).

We thank all keynote speakers, partners, sponsors, parallel session and poster presenters and all participants for their active participation and trust you had some fruitful, interesting and successful conference days and a pleasant stay in Münster.

We also kindly request you to send back your conference satisfaction surveys.
Until the next conference.

Prof. Thomas Baaken
Director of S2B Marketing Research Centre


Dr. Niels Bosma
Research Director Global Entrepreneurship Monitor

Dr. Anne Flierman
President of University of Twente

Prof. Paul Hannon
CEO National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education

Andrea-Rosalinde Hofer
OECD: LEED Trento Centre for Local Development

Todd Davey
Author of "The state of European University-Business Cooperation"

Dr. John Smith
Deputy Secretary General at European University Association (EUA)

Peter Baur
European Commission
DG Education and Culture

Henriette van Eijl
European Commission
DG Enterprise and Industry

Conference speakers

All presenters have been listed on Google Maps! Have a look at who is presenting during the conference. Your university not there? Send an e-mail to conference[at]entrepreneurial-universities.com

View 2012 Entrepreneurial Universities Conference in a larger map


25 April

PhD workshop

Good Practice Tour of Münster's University-Business Cases

Night watchman tour of Münster
26 April

Opening of the conference

First conference day

Conference dinner
27 April

Second conference day


During the last University-Business Forum of the European Commission in Enschede, the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre presented the largest study ever undertaken on University-Business Cooperation in Europe. A study with more than 6.000 respondents from 33 European countries, aimed at Higher Education Institutions, measuring the current status of University-Business Cooperation in Europe. Please find the study on http://www.ub-cooperation.eu


Keynote Presentations

The presentations of the keynote speakers are now online! You can find them on the cover page or here on the keynote speaker page. The presentations of the case study tour and the track presentations will follow soon.

Conference Cafe

Conference Café, an initiative of the organisers, allows the attendees to communicate prior to the conference, ask questions, send feedback, contact other attendees and print the list of attendees. Once you have registered for the conference, you can access the Conference Café. Please find the link directly to the Conference Café here.

Conference program

All presentations have been allocated to the specific track sessions, the last keynote speaker slot is filled, find the conference program here.

Approved presenters

Close to 100 presentations will be hosted during the conference! To give a clearer view of the content of the conference all approved abstracts have been published! Please find the complete list here.

Conference speakers

We have mapped out all speakers during the conference. Find the map on the left and check out which academics are attending and which institutions and businesses are represented!

Associated journals

A wide range of journals have indicated their interest to publish special issues on the conference's best papers! Find more information under associated journals

Keynote confirmation

Dr. Niels Bosma, Research Director of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor has confirmed his keynote speech! Find more information under keynote speakers

Energy2B partner

The 'Entrepreneurial Universities 2012 Conference’ is partner of the final conference of the European initiative Energy2B. It is an entrepreneurship stimulating initiative that targets university students and encourages them to turn energy innovation ideas into reality via Energy2B’s business plan competitions and local entrepreneurship sessions and events. Click here for more information.

UEL track host

University of East London has been confirmed as track organizer focussing on female entrepreneurship. Specializing in Women Entrepreneurship, they will cover this topic during the conference. More information can be found here.

Keynote confirmation

Dr. John Smith of the European University Association has confirmed as keynote speaker! Find more information under keynote speakers.

Associated journals

More information

3EP 2012!





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