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Approved abstracts

Title: The impact of organizational intelligence on entrepreneurial intentions of management student in Iran

By: Abbas Rezaei

Title: Incipit: a government funded incubator experience across two southern Italy universities

By: Achille Caldara, Alessandra Bechi, Sergio Campodall'Orto, Franco Garofalo, Luigi Glielmo, Edmondo Gnerre, Paolo Rubino, Giovanni Torrese, Enrico Viceconte

Title: Building the entrepreneurship environment: a Latin America university case

By: Alejandra Herrera Mendoza

Title: How can public universities compete with private universities?

By: Aleksandra Volkanovska, Fateh ud din

Title: Industry mentors as business accelerators in the founding process of academic spin-off's

By: Anica Haupt, Marko H„ckel, Ricarda Bouncken

Title: Relational capital as a source of company's value

By: Anna Bykova, Eugenia Kuminova

Title: Promoting Entrepreneurship in Social and Health Care Sector - International Joint Development in Higher Education

By: Annamaija Id-Korhonen, Jane Holstein, Eija Viitala

Title: Evaluation of Entrepreneurial University -project

By: Anne Gustafsson-Pesonen

Title: Entre Akatemia - Support for Entrepreneurship

By: Ari Hautaniemi

Title: Service Innovation for SMEs in Collaboration with Higher Education

By: Ari-Pekka Kainu, Kari Laine

Title: Taiwan's ICT entrepreneurs service - a university based multiservice multipartner cluster and conclusions for Brandenburg/Germany

By: Arno Fischer, Lian-Hang Hsieh

Title: Typology of synergy in spatial clusters: a strategic tool for policy makers

By: Arno Pont, Han van der Meer

Title: Are Venture Creation Educational Programs Underrepresented and Undervalued at Medical Faculties and Schools?

By: Aslak Felin, Boo Edgar, Thomas Hedner

Title: How orientation, supervisation and coaching can help in entrepreneurial education

By: Asun Ib ¤ez

Title: Doctoral Session for Entrepreneurial Initiatives and Innovation

By: Bernard Monnier

Title: Working for a degree; a new entrepreneurial structure for 21st century business schools

By: Brian Clements, Christopher Birch

Title: Creating Innovative Mobile Applications - A Student Driven Approach

By: Carl-Johan Rosenbr”ijer

Title: Fostering Entrepreneurial Behaviours: The Experience of a Student Enterprise Internship Initiative

By: Cecilia Hegarty, Sean MacEntee, Garrett Duffy, Aidan Browne

Title: "Can elephants sky-dive?" : Entrepreneurial roles in universities

By: Cheryle Tewarie, Angela Escalante

Title: Developing a Socially Entrepreneurial University

By: Chris Durkin, Simon Denny, Chris Moore, Wray Irwin and Bill Toyer

Title: Uni:prise - universities as enterprises

By: Claudia Bremer, Matthias G. Raith, Bodo Vogt, Johannes Wildt

Title: Elements of a Successful Entrepreneurship and Innovation Eco System

By: David Barbe

Title: Bridging the knowledge gap with raz:um

By: Dean Korosak, Karin Stana-Kleinschek

Title: Living labs as an innovation increasing environment of scientific startups - explorative analysis

By: Doroth‚e Zerwas, Harald F. O. von Kortzfleisch

Title: University-industry partnership in the area of security - a case study

By: dr Wojciech Filipkowski, Marcin Zukowski

Title: New foundations for economic growth: tulane university - a template for creating an entrepreneurship ecosystem?

By: Dr. Deirdre Bane, Dr. Hugh O'Neill

Title: Application of innovations at Mykolas Romeris Management

By: Egle Bileviciute, Tatjana Bileviciene, Giedre Agota Raisiene

Title: Entrepreneurial universities: An anatomy of European educational programmes in entrepreneurship

By: Fragidis Garyfallos, Ioannis N. Katsikis, Dimitrios Paschaloudis

Title: Academic spin-off companies in Italy. How they grow?

By: Francesca Lazzeri, Andrea Piccaluga

Title: Enhancing enterprise innovation by applying social project management

By: Frederic Andres, Epaminondas Kapetanios, Kenneth Brown

Title: How Crowd-funding can complement Business Angels in financing early phase growth companies.

By: Fredrik Andersson, Lars Lind, Thomas Hedner, Karl Maack & Mats Lind

Title: Systemic entrepreneurship in a dynamic global context

By: Gideon Maas, Tobie de Coning

Title: Academic entrepreneurship: to fund or not to fund?

By: Britta Gossel, Carolin Schley

Title: Impact of spinoffs. what do spatial patterns learn on institutional stimulation

By: Han van der Meer, Paul Bijleveld

Title: Creative problem solving training for entrepreneurs

By:Hans-Jürgen Weissbach, Caprice Weissenrieder

Title: Entrepreneurial curriculum in Finnish professional teacher education

By: Heikki Hannula

Title: Green Innovation: Raising the Innovative Capacity in the Dutch Greenhouse Horticulture Industry

By: Henk J Schout, Pepijn van Willigenburg

Title: The agro-industrial system regional sustainable development, a coherent strategy

By: Henrique P. Santos, António J. D. Ferreira, Carlos D. Pereira, Luís P. Andrade

Title: Experiences of Crowdsourcing for Concept Generation and Screening

By: Henry Clay Ericsson, Mahbub Nahiyan, Alina Selezhneva

Title: A proposal for a national approach to supporting the engagement agenda in Ireland

By: Irene Sheridan, Muiris O'Connor

Title: Learning by doing: a possibility for development of entrepreneurship

By: József, Roóz

Title: Solar cups - knowledge transfer and marketing of research results in Latvia

By: Justs Dimants, Biruta Sloka, Ilze Dimanta, Janis Kleperis

Title: Investigation of effective factors in commercialization of innovations in the developing countries

By: Kambiz Talebi, Sara Rad, Vahid Madadi Avargani

Title: Entrepreneurial learning in higher education

By: Karim Moustaghfir, Nada Trunk Sirca

Title: Business Plan Competitions - A Stakeholder Analysis

By: Karl Maack, Magnus Klofsten, Thomas Hedner

Title: Innovation brokerage and innovation capability in SME's and Higher Educational Institutions

By: Katariina M„enp„„

Title: Entrepreneurial universities in Poland 0 searching for best practices

By: Katarzyna Rupik, Tomasz Zyminkowski, Filip Januszewski

Title: Enhancing teachers' entrepreneurial competencies: The impact of collaborative learning experiences

By: Kati Peltonen

Title: The pull and push factors of the entrepreneurial ambition of the university students in Hungary

By: Krisztina N‚meth

Title: Fostering entrepreneurial universities' support activities: the case of Mondragon university

By: Leire Markuerkiaga, Nekane Errasti, Juan Ignacio Igartua

Title: Innovation pedagogy producing qualifications needed for higher education students

By: Liisa Kairisto-Mertanen, OIli Mertanen

Title: Identity idealized design: discover new oceans without losing sight of the shore

By:Lisanne Bouten, Corn‚ Stuij

Title: Qualitative & quantitative comparison between Tecminho, Minho university's TTO and ISIS innovations, Oxford university's TTO

By: Luis Remisio

Title: Integration of creativity, design and innovation into entrepreneurship education

By: Mahbub Uddin, Brooks Hill, Luz-Crystal Glangchai

Title: Innovation Push and Market Pull - Perspectives on Start-up Companies in an Academic Innovation Cluster

By: Maria Trulsson, Karl Maack, Ivor Cowlrick, Boo Edgar, Thomas Hedner.

Title: Intellectual Property Policies: a strategy to enforce the entrepreneurship

By: Maria L. Alves, Patrícia C.Silva, Patrícia Marques, Tânia Guarda

Title: Skills for entrepreneurial higher education graduates

By: Màrian Buil Fabregà, Núria Masferrer Llabin‚s, Aleksander Kucel

Title: On entrepreneurial university: professors attitudes in the Croatian and Spanish case

By: Marina Dabic, Miguel Gonz lez-Loureiro, Jadranka Svarc

Title: Inno-esci (innovation and entrepreneurship in the degree in international business and marketing)

By: Marta Segura-Bonet

Title: The "self-innovating" organization for keeping touch with new technology

By: Martin R. Wolf, Ute Wiese

Title: Why entrepreneurs fail and how to fight it?

By: Matthijs Hammer

Title: What to learn from entrepreneurial summer schools? A logical typology.

By: Matthijs Hammer, Niek Thuijs

Title: Scientists' transition to academic entrepreneurship: economic and psychological determinants

By: Maximilian Goethner, Martin Obschonka, Rainer K. Silbereisen, Uwe Cantner

Title: Social capital mapping on entrepreneurial marketing activities in small businesses

By: Mehran Rezvani, Mohamad Taghi Toghraee and Mahdi Pakrad

Title: The measurement of the activities of entrepreneurial universities

By: Michela Lazzeroni, Andrea Piccaluga

Title: Partnering between higher education and industry

By: Mirka Leino, Kari Laine

Title: Exploring the entrepreneurial potential of LMSs and Web 2 technologies: A literature review

By: Morteza Rezaei-Zadeh, Cleary, Brendan; O'Reilly, John; Ghiasi, Saeid; Murphy, Eamonn

Title: Technipedia: Promote young entrepreneurship among African university students

By: Nadja Gmelch, Charles Awono Onana

Title: Developing entrepreneurial environment in universities: evidence from Russia

By: Natalia Molodchik, Dmitriy Shishkin

Title: Designing the Appropriate Model of Entrepreneurial University in Iran (The Case of Agricultural Faculties)

By: Negin Fallah Haghighi, Seyyed Mostafa Razavi, Ahmad Rezvanfar, Khalil Kalantari

Title: New approach to foster entrepreneurial universities - The case of Munich University

By: Nicole Ziesche, Klaus Sailer, Herbert Gillig

Title: Interrelationships between dynamic success factors in University-Industy Linkages

By: Nisha Korff, Carolin Plewa, Thomas Baaken, Greg Macpherson

Title: Facilitating collaboration in stem cell research through Intellectual Property

By: Niva Elkin-Koren, Yael Bregman-Eschet, Sharon Bar-Ziv, Talya Ponchek, Dalit Sagiv

Title: Sustainability: the ultimate challenges for business schools

By: Nuno Oliveira, Carlos Vieira, António Jorge

Title: Business of Science: The Business Model of the Entrepreneurial University

By: Olaf Gaus, Matthias G. Raith

Title: The Necessity of a Curriculum for Entrepreneurial Thinking at Entrepreneurial Universities

By: Olaf Gaus, Matthias G. Raith, Johannes Wildt

Title: An entrepreneurial model for internationalisation of higher education- the case of City College - an international faculty of the University of Sheffield

By: Panayiotis H. Ketikidis, Petros Kefalas

Title: A way towards linking universities with business practitioners, from theory to practice.

By: Paraskevi Gkiourka, Yiannis Bakouros

Title: Quality of work life for empowered and talented higher education employees

By: Patricia Mannix-McNamara, Tommy Foy, Pat Rockett

Title: Piloting new knowledge partnerships: the European University Enterprise Network

By: Paul Hannon, Clive Winters

Title: Different waves and ways of understanding women entrepreneurship

By: Paula Kyrö

Title: Different approaches to opportunity process and their consequences for teaching practice

By: Paula Kyrö, Agnieszka Kurczewska, Nana Osei-Bonsu

Title: Beyond tuitions and grants: exploiting new revenue sources for higher education institutions

By: Peter Franz

Title: A case of successful partnership between university and company in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

By: Ramon Baptista Narcizo, Rodolfo Cardoso, Carlos Eduardo Lopes da Silva

Title: Towards a cooperative business in welfare sector (OSKU)

By: Riikka Mäkelä

Title: Learning risk-taking in entrepreneurship education 0 an action learning approach

By: Riitta-Liisa Arpiainen

Title: Firms, teachers and students co-creating business on the market as a forum

By: Ritva Pyykk”nen, Jorma Kananen

Title: Knowledge structures and patterns of external engagement

By: Romulo Pinheiro, Roger Normann, Hans Chr Garmann Johnsen

Title: Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in academic contexts: how students recognize business opportunities

By: Slvia Fernandes Costa, Ant•nio Caetano

Title: Founding awareness at universities 0 an empirical comparison of different entrepreneurship courses

By: Stefan A. Uhlich, Magdalena Missler-Behr

Title: New Concepts in Post-Disaster Development: Learning from Social Entrepreneurs in Northern Haiti

By: Steffen Farny

Title: The company: Entrepreneurship for Engineers

By: Sven de Cleyn, Jan Trommelmans, Jef De Wachter, Lucien De Roy, Walter Daems

Title: Resources used by academics and practitioners in knowedge and Technology Transfer: empirical findings and introduction of the largest free resource database on university-industry relationships

By: Thorsten Kliewe

Title: Teacher-student development team grant scheme as a startup creation tool

By: Tibor Dory

Title: Regional Industry's Vehicle for Innovation

By: Tim Yeomans

Title: Development of a framework for market-oriented university knowledge and Technology Transfer

By: Tobias Kesting

Title: Business-minded, a study highlighting the academic university-business cooperation champions

By: Todd Davey, Victoria Galan Muros, Arno Meerman

Title: Legal and formal aspects of the creation of spin-offs - Polish case

By: Tomasz Kusio

Title: Knowledge Transfer from university to entrepreneurship

By: šlo Kess, Jüri Martin

Title: Sustainable development entrepreneurship in the technical university of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

By: Vasile Filip Soporan, Gabriela Ciot, Viorel Dan, Ovidiu Nemes, Bianca Michaela Soporan

Title: Entrepreneurial orientation in student population

By: Vesa Taatila

Title: Handbook of Social Entrepreneurship

By: Victoria Sirghi, Joƒo S. Costa, Maria Leopoldina S. Alves

Title: Entrepreneurial self-efficiency among students in Vojvodina

By: Viktorija Bojovic





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